Monday, September 27, 2010

Lots of Good Things...but can't reveal just yet.

We're really excited about the latest projects we've been working on, but because they are for weddings we don't want to be the ones to spoil the surprise.  Check back next week to see all of the new stuff.

Let the Blogging Begin

We've always got projects in the works and what better way to show what we're up to than through a blog!  So we have created a new site for anyone & everyone to come see what we're up to.

This week is going to be a busy one with a large order of shirts for the Senior Class of Deep Run High School.  We're also finishing a set of "Save-The-Date's" for a local couple.  Pictures of both projects to be up soon!

Next week is my sister Ashley's wedding and we have some secret creative projects in the works.  I can't reveal those until the bride herself sees those first, so more to come!  Below is a picture of Ashley & Jeff doing their best "Zoolander" pose :)  Congratulations you two!